My research interests are
machine learning and their applications.
My Google scholar page can be
found here.
My research group investigates the fundamental theory of machine learning.
Based on theoretical understanding, we also design efficient and effective machine learning algorithms.
We apply machine learning methods to various applications such
as computer vision and natural language processing.
Current my research focuses on the following topics.
Theoretical Foundation of Machine Learning
This research topic is to study the
mathematical theory of
machine learning algorithms. For example, the
mathematical models for deep neural
networks and overparameterized models, bandit algorithms and sample efficient
reinforcement learning.
Efficient Computational Algorithms
This research topic is concerned with
efficient convex and nonconvex
optimization, sampling methods, large scale
and distributed training, automatic tuning of machine learning
Robust and Adaptive Methods
This research topic is concerned with the generalization of machine learning
procedures to new scenarios, and related
issues of distribution shift. We consider
problems such as effective adaptation of ML models to new
domains, unsupervised pretraining and
fine-tuning, multi-objective learning,
corruption and misspecified models, and exploration issues in
reinforcement learning.
Generative AI and Large Language Models
This research topic is to study generative
AI, including gradient based generative models, and issues related to
large language models such as prompt
engineering, data quality in training, optimization, reasoning, and RLHF.